Sub-minimum wage certificates allow employers to hire people with disabilities for less than minimum wage when disabled employees are not able to work at full capacity equal to their non-disabled peers doing the same job. Special wage certificates are often used to support people in center-based work programs (sheltered workshops) that may also provide an array of other services in addition to employment. When these programs are eliminated for people with more severe and complex disabilities, against their will and over the objections of their families, they often end up working fewer hours or not at all, spending more time at home watching TV or other unproductive activities. The alternative, "supported employment" in competitive integrated work settings, can be very costly and is not always desired by or as satisfying for the person with a disability.
The video is from a hearing in the Washington State Senate about Senate Bill 5753 proposing to eliminate sub-minimum wage certificates. The arguments, pro and con, are laid out by two Senators with opposing views. Make sure that you listen long enough to hear the testimony of Senator Walsh that starts at around 3 1/2 minutes.