Thursday, March 14, 2019

Michigan: Medicaid eligibility is not the only way to qualify for services for people with DD and other disabilities

A letter of clarification from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, dated 12/14/2018, was sent to Executive Directors of Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs) and Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs) concerning misinformation about eligibility for mental health services, including services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The letter is from Jeffery L. Wieferich, the Director of the Michigan Bureau of Community Based Services. [PIHPs are the regional administrative agencies that pass on Medicaid funding to local Community Mental Health agencies (the CMHSPs).] 

The body of the letter clarifies access and eligibility for Community Mental Health (CMH) services and corrects inaccurate information being provided to the public. Some CMH agencies and PIHPs have been misinforming the public that their agencies will serve only people eligible for Medicaid. This is not correct.

For one thing, many people do not apply for Medicaid until they are in need of services. There is some funding to serve people not eligible for Medicaid, and they are placed on a waiting list, if funds are not available. Services must be provided to all Medicaid eligible individuals. Everyone who contacts a CMH agency is entitled to an evaluation to determine his or her level of need. 

The letter makes these clarifications:

  • Staff from a CMHSP may not state that the CMHSP only serves Medicaid beneficiaries. For those individuals that do not have Medicaid coverage, the Mental Health Code…is clear that a CMHSP must serve anyone in an emergent (crisis) situation…Following that, an assessment is required to be completed so that level of need is determined. If an individual’s level of need is not as severe as other individuals, then the CMHSP may determine that it does not have sufficient general funds to provide services and the individual is to be placed on a waiting list for CMHSP services (non-Medicaid only) and the CMHSP should maintain the list.
  • CMHSP Access Center staff must screen anyone that calls for a crisis and then assure that applicants are offered appointments for assessments with mental health professionals of their choice within the…contract-required standard timeframes. For those individuals without Medicaid coverage, the Mental Health Code also states that a waiting list must be maintained for anyone that is determined not as severe as other individuals…
  • When an individual with mental health needs [including people with intellectual and developmental disabilities] is denied community mental health services, for whatever reason, he/she is notified of the right under the [Mental Health Code] to request a second opinion and the local dispute resolution process…
  • CMHSP websites should not be conveying only Medicaid eligible beneficiaries are served.
  • When an individual has private insurance, this is not solely a reason to deny CMHSP services. The CMHSP is required to complete an assessment of the individual’s needs and then prioritize based on the [Mental Health Code]. The CMHSP shall not deny an eligible individual a service because of individual/family/income or third party payer source…

    Another source of funding for children under the age of 18 is the Michigan Children's Waiver Program (CWP).

    From the CWP Website: "To be eligible for the CWP, the child must have a documented developmental disability and need medical or behavioral supports and services at home. In addition, the child must have behavioral or medical and habilitative needs at home on a consistent daily basis that meet requirements for the level of care for an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID)."

    The CWP waives the requirement that the family qualify for Medicaid and allows the child to be considered for services regardless of the family's income. There are a limited number of children's medicaid waivers, but it is worth getting on the needs-based waitlist.


    See the letter of clarification for references to the Michigan Mental Health Code.

    See also Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service on eligibility for services.



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