Thursday, April 9, 2020

Michigan Medicine Covid-19 Update, 4/9/2020

Michigan Medicine is the University of Michigan medical system, including the U of M hospital in Ann Arbor and other facilities. The following are excerpts from the Covid-19 Update Website.

["NOTICE: Except where otherwise noted, all articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. You are free to copy, distribute, adapt, transmit, or make commercial use of this work as long as you attribute Michigan Medicine as the original creator and include a link to this article."]

April 07, 2020


Media Contact: Mary Masson 734-764-2220

Michigan Medicine releases number of employees tested positive for COVID-19

Michigan Medicine is releasing statistics on how many employees have tested positive for COVID-19.

As of Monday, 4/6/20:

• 728 Michigan Medicine employees have been tested for COVID-19
• 110 of those were COVID-19 positive

Importantly, please note these numbers don’t indicate how or where those who tested positive contracted the disease. The numbers reflect just those who sought testing at Michigan Medicine or those hospitalized at Michigan Medicine. Some Michigan Medicine employees may have been tested outside our system.

Less than 10 employees were hospitalized for at least one day.

COVID-19 at Michigan Medicine by the Numbers

Michigan Medicine is posting daily snapshots of our current COVID-19 testing and inpatient count.

As of April 8, 1:00 pm:

• Total patients tested for COVID-19 at Michigan Medicine since the pandemic began (includes pending tests): 3,588

• Total positive tests: 706

• Tests pending (waiting for results): 158

• Current inpatients that are COVID-19 positive: 229

• Total COVID-19 patients discharged: 149

• COVID-19 patients discharged in the last 24 hours: 11

[Numbers for the State of Michigan: 20,346 confirmed cases in Michigan, including 126 cases out of state, 287 cases from the Michigan Department of Corrections, and 77 cases unknown. In addition, 959 coronavirus-related deaths have been reported since March 18, 2020.]

Appointment Locations Update During COVID-19

Temporary Clinic Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Updated March 26, 2020

In order to limit exposure for our patients, their families, and our staff, we have made several adjustments at our outpatient clinics, and many of our clinics are scaling back operations temporarily. This means that:

• Non-essential appointments may be rescheduled, or, in many cases, turned into Video Visits or E-Visits.
• Your appointment may be in a different location than when it was scheduled. Use the tool below to see if your clinic is affected.
If your clinic is not listed, patients are still being seen at that location. If you have questions about appointments, you may:
• Call your clinic phone number. All clinics are still accessible by telephone.
• Send your provider team messages through the Patient Portal.

If you believe you may have COVID-19 and are a Michigan Medicine patient, please call our COVID-19 hotline at 734-763-6336, or use an E-Visit to be evaluated by a Michigan Medicine health care provider.



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