Do you know that there are people who don't want you to vote? Voter suppression efforts have been ramped up across the country. Michigan is a swing state and is getting special attention by those who are afraid you might cast your ballot for the wrong person or vote on some issue that goes against their wishes. That makes this election crucial.
“Voters who are already registered can vote early at their clerk’s office now and through the day before the election. On Election Day, already registered voters must vote at their local polling place. Clerk and polling place information is available at”
"Voters who already have their ballots are encouraged to return them as soon as possible — by mail NO LATER than Oct.19, or by hand delivering to their clerk’s office or ballot drop box. Ballot drop box locations for individual jurisdictions can be found at All absentee ballot return envelopes must be signed by the voter to be counted."
"...After...Oct. 19,2020, the online registration portal at will include several warnings that voters must register in person to vote by or on Nov. 3, with instructions on how to do so."
Where are my clerk’s offices?
Where are my ballot drop boxes?
Where is my polling place?
Am I registered?
What's on the ballot?
Now Vote.
from The DD News Blog 2012: