Friday, October 16, 2020


Remembering a beloved teacher: Tina Tefft, 1951 - 2020

Tina Tefft, a beloved special education teacher at High Point School in Ann Arbor, died on September 28th, 2020. She was a natural teacher and a great friend. 

Both my sons were in her class at one time or another. She touched other staff members and families with her love for her students.

Tina had a double lung transplant in 2013 that allowed her to enjoy her retirement with her family and friends. Before a transplant became available, she worked very hard to stabilize her condition. I used to see her at M-Fit, the exercise room at the Ann Arbor Ice Cube (well-known to hockey and ice skating fans), dragging around her oxygen machine while she exercised. Every time I saw her, as she was pausing to catch her breath and smiling through the whole ordeal, I always felt that she lifted the spirits of everyone around her, rather than the other way around.

Tina died of a recently diagnosed cancer. Here is her obituary from the Ann Arbor News:

Too much sadness! 



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